WICPCP About Us_Hero

The goal of the WI CPCP is to improve mental health care for children and adolescents in the state of Wisconsin.

WI CPCP Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about our program and see answers to common questions from those who engage with our services.

Frequently Asked Questions Four Column
Do the consultations cost me anything?
No; all services are free. The WI CPCP is fully funded by the State of Wisconsin.
Who can use the program?
Any primary care clinician providing care to children in the state of Wisconsin.
What kind of questions may I ask the WI CPCP child psychiatrist?
WI CPCP supports and educates primary care clinicians on how to handle psychiatric and behavioral health issues for young patients. For example, a primary care clinician may call regarding a mental health question or concern pertaining to a particular patient; about a general question regarding the diagnosis and treatment of a specific disorder; use of a particular medication; or about questions pertaining to resources in the area. Questions may be patient specific, or regarding general topics in child psychiatry and behavioral health.
What is the response time for WI CPCP consultations?
Phone calls are responded to within 30 minutes during business hours; 8:00am – 5:00pm, M-F. Emails are responded to within one business day.
May a parent/caregiver contact WI CPCP and ask for a consultation for their child?
WI CPCP is a provider-to-provider collaboration and does not interface directly with patients or their caregivers.
Does WI CPCP offer a crisis line or services?
No. WI CPCP is not a crisis line. If a patient is in a crisis, they should be directed to the nearest emergency department.