WI CPCP Resources for Primary Care Providers
Practice Parameters from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)

- Anxiety disorders (PDF)
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (PDF)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (PDF)
- Eating disorders (PDF)
- Bipolar disorder (PDF)
- Conduct Disorder (CD) (PDF)
- Depressive disorders (PDF)
- Language and learning disorders (PDF)
- Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents With Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) (PDF)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (PDF)
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) (PDF)
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (PDF)
- Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (PDF)
- Schizophrenia (PDF)
- Substance abuse disorders (PDF)
- Suicidal behaviors (PDF)
- Tic disorders (PDF)
- Assessment of the family (PDF)
- Child welfare system (PDF)
- Community systems of care (PDF)
- Forensic assessment (PDF)
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual orientation, gender nonconformity, gender discordance (PDF)
- Physical or sexually abused (PDF)
- Psychiatric assessment of children and adolescents (PDF)
- Psychiatric assessment of infants and toddlers (0-36 Months) (PDF)
- Psychiatric consultation to schools (PDF)
- Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDF)
- Youth in juvenile detention and correctional facilities (PDF)
Resources for Your Patients

American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics provides pediatric clinical support, national conferences, research findings, quality improvement opportunities, and advocacy through local, state, and federal channels.
Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin
The Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin supports individuals with autism spectrum disorders, families, and professionals by sharing information, providing networking opportunities, supporting research, and promoting awareness through training and education.
The Care4Kids program creates a "medical home" team for children in foster care, assuring that children receive individualized treatment plans in order to address their specific health care needs, including trauma-related care.
Children's Wisconsin
Children's Wisconsin provides mental health resources and specialty programs, treatment, and services at several of its locations across the state.
Family Voices of Wisconsin
Family Voices of Wisconsin focuses its work on healthcare and community supports in three areas: education and information, including trainings, fact sheets and newsletters, family leadership activities, including our advocacy for change, public policy, and systems change.
IMPACT 2-1-1
IMPACT 2-1-1 serves Southeastern Wisconsin with community resources that help restore the health and productivity of individuals, organizations, and workplaces leading to an improved quality of life for our entire community. Browse by service category, agency, or program name in their database to find resources in your community. You can also call for resources in the Milwaukee area by dialing 2-1-1.
The Pediatric Integrated Care Resource Center (PIC-RC)
The Pediatric Integrated Care Resource Center (PIC-RC) is designed to promote the integration of medical and behavioral/mental health services for children, adolescents, and their families by providing ready access to needed resources to interested professionals in different disciplines who are working in a variety of settings.
Mental Health America of Wisconsin
Mental Health America of Wisconsin provides advocacy, education, and service to improve mental health, and maintains a county-by-county database of resources.
Milwaukee Community Resource Guide (PDF)
A parent's guide to community resources in Milwaukee created by the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) Homeless Education Program.
Parent to Parent of Wisconsin
Parent to Parent of Wisconsin provides parent support to parents of children with special needs through a one-to-one connection with another parent who has similar experiences and who knows firsthand about the feelings and realities that come with having a child with special needs.
Pathways to Positive Futures
Pathways to Positive Futures aims to improve the lives of youth and young adults with mental health conditions through research and effective training. Their work is guided by the perspectives of young people and their families, and based in a positive development framework.
The Periscope Project
The Periscope Project is a free resource for health care providers treating perinatal women struggling with mental health and/or substance use disorders.
The Wisconsin Statewide Medical Home Initiative
The Wisconsin Statewide Medical Home Initiative provides information and trainings for developmental screening, behavioral health integration, family partnership, care coordination, and youth health transition.
The Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation (WWHF)
The WWHF is a nonprofit organization that provides health services and education for women and families. Through free educational events, smoking cessation counseling, and information and referral services, the WWHF serves over 7,000 women each year in all 72 counties of Wisconsin. Our mission is to innovate, impact, and improve women’s health.
Regional Centers for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
Regional Centers for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs in Wisconsin has five Regional Centers dedicated to supporting families with children and youth with special health care needs and the providers who serve them. The Centers are staffed by specialists who can help get answers, find services, and connect families to community resources. Their services are free and private.
Rogers Behavioral Health
Rogers is a not-for-profit provider of mental health and addiction treatment. Their specialized care for children, adolescents, and adults has proven clinical outcomes.
Prevent Suicide Wisconsin
Suicide prevention coalitions and crisis lines listed by Wisconsin county.
If you have issues connecting to your county crisis line, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or call 911.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.
Triple P®: Positive Parenting Program
Triple P®: Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 30 years of ongoing research.
Children's Wisconsin supports the Triple P ®– Positive Parenting Program as it is now accessible throughout Milwaukee County and surrounding counties to offer parents practical advice; through small group discussions, in large seminars, and one-on-one advice. Some parenting topics include: The power of positive parenting; Raising confident, competent children; Raising resilient children; Hassle free shopping with children; Managing fighting and aggression; Developing good bedtime routines; and Dealing with disobedience. Programs are targeted for parents with children ages 0-12.
Wisconsin Well Badger Resource Center (MCH and First Step)
Wisconsin Well Badger Resource Center (MCH and First Step) is a statewide public health Information and Referral (I&R) service and resource program offering a toll-free phone number. The Well Badger website does include chat, text and mobile technology that will provide linkages to information and services for women, children and families, and families with children who have special health care needs and professionals. Wisconsin Well Badger is the central directory for all information and referral to services for the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) program, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) program, Women, Infant and Children supplemental nutrition program (WIC), Health Check/Healthy Start and Medicaid Pregnancy Outreach program, and the Wisconsin Well Women Program (WWWP). The Well Badger Resource Center is staffed to provide information and referrals with a deliberate focus to engage high-risk populations and for those with special needs.
Call the toll-free number at 1-800-642-7837 OR visit the website to access these resources.